THE HANDMAID'S TALE is a tv series that sets place in a possible future, where most women are infertile. here, the women that are fertile are kept by powerful families for reproductive purposes. in this society that system has become normal for people, this is similar to what could happen in a world with our concept.
FYRE FESTIVAL is a prime example of social media deceiving, and going wrong. i looked into this because influencers that promoted this mess are now being sued. it's an interesting example to see how far you can go with faking on social media
and if people can be held accountable. if not now, maybe in the future.
FAKING A VACATION - we did some research on different ways of deceiving on social media that are happening now, ways to make people think your life is more exciting than it
actually is. we found different ways that this can be done,
faking a vacation for example.
but what if it isn't your wealth you want to show off, but your
we created a storyboard for a possible film, in which the dark extremes of this future society are explored. we wanted to make this dreadful sketch of what would happen if people wanted to show off their health on social media and are able to enhance it by buying body fluids or organs.
we looked for a commercial aspect of this scenario. that's where the idea of selling body fluids and organs as a company started. inspired by this KPN video, we did interviews and filmed. in these interviews we used our product and wanted to create a peak into this possible future where buying organs becomes normal.